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The Contents of this Site

We've collected scans and digital photographs of articles, advertisements, brochures, timetables, menus and all sorts of other materials relating to or having to do with the history of travel.

Over a period of time (months, years, decades) we're converting them to HTML text (using OCR software and a lot of, that's A LOT OF, hand-crafted editing to get them into displayable form.

There are several Categories of kinds of things you can read and look at, and the best thing to do is to start on the Home Page and try some of the clickable weblinks. Click on the Example (left-hand column) for a typical piece. Or Search the site for your favorite subject (railroad, automobile, cruises, anything you can think of having to do with Travel History.

The site is structured as branches radiating away from the Home Page, sometimes with crosslinks where there are related items elsewhere. Each of the Categories has a summary page, which we try to keep up to date, with links to articles in that Category. But, really, the best way to find out what's on here is to go looking for it. If you don't find it—maybe you'd like to work with us to put it here.

Most recent update: 26 May 2011


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Direct Links  
  > You Must Go On
   Vacation for Your


> Tent-camping in
   India, 1904

> Christmas in
   Bethlehem, 1896

> Christmas in
   Switzerland, 1921

> Walk Africa, from
   Cape to Cairo, 1898

> Christmas at the
   101 Ranch, 1908

> Exploring Central
   Asia, 1897

> Klondike Gold
   Rush, 1897

> New York to
   Georgia by
   Car, 1908

> Vladivostok,

> H. Rider Haggard on
   The Nile River, 1908

> Christmas in
   Munich, 1908

> New Boston 
   Public Library,

> Algiers, 1892
> Trans-Siberian

Offsite Links  
  > Offsite Links Page

Sponsored Links  
  > Hidden Knowledge
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