Visit Rome!
Here are some turn-of-the-century traveler/souvenir pictures of Rome and environswith a few ringers thrown
in to keep it interesting).
A picture of St. Peter's taken in the late 19th Century and published by
John L. Stoddard (see elsewhere on this site for the story of Burton Holmes, Stoddard's
successor as travel photographer and writer).
Some pages from a turn-of-the-century souvenir guidebook to Rome (complete
with notes from a well-wisher):
General View of Castel' S. Angelo, the Bridge, and the River
Panoramic View from the top of St. Peter's
St. Peter's and the Vatican Palace
Interior of St. Peter's
Some paintings by Antonio Canal and Bernardo Bellotto,
from the book
I Due Canaletto
A. Canal: The Piazza Navona
Imaginary Landscape
B. Bellotto: The Flavian Amphitheater
B. Bellotto: Imaginary Landscape
B. Bellotto: another Imaginary Landscape
B. Bellotto: yet another Imaginary Landscape
Visit Rome! page updated 4 June 2003. Latest update 2 June 2011.