Current News About The Trans-Siberian Railroad

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27 August 2001: America's Library of Congress and the Russian Library of Foreign Literature will collaborate on a "unified Russian/American bilingual electronic library on the Internet," available to any user. The project, "Meeting of Frontiers," calls for LC to use its substantial resources and archival expertise to digitize the local material found at Russia’s provincial libraries with the help of both Russian and American scholars. The archive would focus on the history and settlement of Siberia, the Russian Far East, and Alaska. [Source: LIBRARY JOURNAL]

4 August 2001: North Korea's leader Kim takes the Trans-Siberian across Russia, for diplomatic discussions with Putin. It seems Kim does not like to fly. [two small photographs, one of his twenty-one car private bullet-proof train]

27 July 2001: North Korea's leader Kim on a trip from North Korea to Moscow on the TSRR, from CNN.

News page last updated 12 August 2001

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